12-15 reps of each, 3-4rounds! I use light dumbbells (2 or 3 lbs) but this workout can be done without weights too!
- Shoulder Press Sumo Squats
- Make sure your feet are wide with toes pointing out. Arms start in goal post position. As you lower into a squat position, arms reach up. As you lift back up, arms lower back down. Work to keep a long, straight spine and keep the core engaged. Repeat 12-15 reps.
- Tricep Kickback Lunges
- Start with feet about shoulder distance apart. It’s ok to keep a slight hinge forward. Arms reach straight back as you lower one leg back into a squat position. Remember not to let the knee on the front leg track over the toes. 12-15 reps with one leg and repeat on other side.
- Curtsy Lunge Bicep Curls
- Start with feet about shoulder distance apart. As you bring arms into a bicep curl, cross one leg back and behind the other into a curtsy lunge. Front foot stays flat and the back foot heel stays lifted. Work to keep a long straight spine and core engaged. 12-15 reps with one leg and repeat on other side.
I have had a few people reach out and ask about my postpartum workout routine. I am working on a long post but wanted to share a quick baby wearing workout you can do from home. Making your kids part of your workout can be distracting but it can also be fun! Being healthy and fit is a lifestyle so have fun with it! I might be doing this workout without the dumbbells in the airport this week.
As moms we do the best we can. We all have different circumstances but none of our lives are easy. Make working out a priority at least a few days a week and you will feel better mentally!
Thanks to K’tan for letting me try their active wrap. I own two of these and love them!! This company makes babywearing so easy and this active fabric is great for hot summer days, workouts and hiking!
I love this! I might have to do it with my toddler!
…and then you can use nap time to get something else completed!!