Our weekend was pretty low key. Ryan coached at the tennis club both days so we didn’t get too much family time. Saturday afternoon we ventured to Market Street in Ballard. We walked around, shared a happy hour pizza at Stoneburner and ended our family outing with coffee at Cafe Umbria. With so many great restaurants on Market Street, we are excited to slowly start trying them.
My favorite purchase of the weekend was Logan’s Js. We stopped in a baby consignment store by the house, saw them, and couldn’t resist. All his outfits are being planning around them right now.
Mom life is going well. Logan was seven months on the 22nd and is really developing his little active personality. On Sunday, the plan was to meet some friends for brunch. I thought Logan might be getting sick for the first time so we cancelled. After I got him up from his first nap, I noticed two more bottom teeth that I swear were not there before his nap. All the fussiness I thought was him getting sick was just teething. Eight teeth now and Logan is starting to look like such a big boy! The only other changing thing for me is I did completely stop breastfeeding. It was the best decision for our life right now. I have a lot to be proud of making it past six months.
That is one adorable baby!