Guess who still has a blog…. I do!! I haven’t published a post since last Fall but I guess that happens when you move cross country with two little ones. I had really hoped to post monthly updates on our life but it seems like keeping the boys entertained, fed and alive didn’t allow that to happen. However, if you’re ever interested in what is going on in my life, you can always stay updated with my Instagram feed.

When Dexa Scan reached about partnering I was intrigued. I had heard of a Dexa Scan but honestly didn’t know much about it. I did a little research and found out it was a way to precisely measure body composition — fat, bones & muscles. I completed a Dexa Body Composition Scan at Scottsdale Sports Insitute.
You are probably wondering exactly what is a Dexa Scan? DEXA stands for dual energy x-ray absorptiometry. It’s a non-invasive test that scans your body as you lie on a table. A Dexa Body Composition Scan gives you precise information about your body fat, muscle and bone composition. The scan was completed in about 6 minutes and I did fast beforehand to ensure the highest accuracy in the scan. It’s also the only FDA-approved scan to quantify the dangerous visceral fat. After the scan, an Exercise Physiologist went over my results with me so I understood what the numbers meant. Overall, my appointment took less than 30 minutes. The scan is typically repeated to help you track changes in your body composition over time so you can objectively measure progress through your fitness, weight loss or health journey.

Another question I had was why do a DEXA scan instead of using a fat estimate device or a displacement estimate device? The biggest advantage is that a DEXA scan is actually measuring your body fat. It will give you precise measurements while also providing you with results showing asymmetry in your body.
The DEXA scan results provide:
- Overall body fat percentage
- Fat Mass
- Lean tissue (muscle)
- Bone weight and percentages
- Comparisons for both legs, arms and your torso
- DEXA scan image showing where your body fat and muscle is distributed
- Visceral Fat Mass (dangerous fat around organs)
- Android/Gynoid Ratio

I am sharing the results I received below. My total body fat percentage was 18.9%. For females, I fall right into the athletic category rating (15-22%). My right arm has less percentage fat but more total mass than my left. Since I’m right handed, this doesn’t surprise me.

One other point I found interesting is the android/gynoid ratio. Anything under 1% means you carry your fat more in the hips and thighs and not the belly. My A/G ratio was 0.52. This is a good thing because it means there is less fat around my internal organs.
As you can see, the scan results provide an excellent way to benchmark your numbers as you continue through your fitness and wellness journey! If you have more questions their website has a great FAQs section you can check out.

What do I do to be at 18.9% body fat? It is a combination of my diet and exercise routine. My diet is pretty clean and I work hard to make sure I am eating enough vegetables. Smoothies are the easiest way for me to add in extra fruits and veggies into my day. My workouts continue to evolve depending on the stage of life I am in. For the past few months I’ve consistently been active ~6 days of the week. We go to the Village most mornings and the boys play in Kids Club. It’s a win-win because the boys love the childcare and I get to workout alone or take a class. We don’t live near family so this is the only time of the week I am away from my boys. Most of my weekly workouts have looked like this lately:
- 2 days of tennis + 30 minute home workout: I don’t have much of a social life outside my kids so my tennis time is my social time. Tennis has really helped me stay sane in this stage of motherhood. I share some of my home workouts on my Instagram page like this band workout. Hope to keep sharing more!
- 2 days of equipment cardio (30 mins on elliptical or 3 mile treadmill run) + weights
- 2 classes a week (Hot yoga, barre or pilates)

Some weeks I work out less but my workouts are for me and my mental health. I’m a big believer in fitness being a lifestyle and not an end goal. I would like to incorporate a little more Pilates back into my routine in the future!

Thanks to DEXA Scan for sponsoring this post! Please note all opinions are my own.