Logan was officially 2 weeks on Tuesday. It’s hard to believe that it’s already been that long. I am recovering well. I think I over did it a little after the first week with my walking and being on the go a little too much. While it was nice getting out of the house each day, the exhaustion hit me a few days ago. I also feel like my pain from my tear got worst. After staying off my feet more the last few days, I am feeling much better!
Piko Long Sleeve Top // American Apparel Leggings // Graco Stroller
I had my first new mom class on Tuesday. It’s a group of 11 new moms that meets for the next 8 weeks for an hour and half at the Swedish Lytle Center. During the first class, we all shared our birth stories. All of the moms gave birth at Swedish. It was interesting to hear how different each person’s birth story was. At the end of the class, we got a group picture of all the babies. Logan was the youngest one in the class and seems quite disinterested from his sleeping in the picture. I forgive him though because he had a traumatic day with being circumcised that morning.
I am still adjusting to getting sleep during 2 to 3 hour stretches. I am realizing that I need to rest more in the day and take naps when Logan is sleeping. My to-do list can wait.