I seriously can’t believe it’s been over two months since Mason Hawke was born. The days have been long but the time sure has flown by. I decided to break this post into two. This first post documents our first month as a family of four. As I have mentioned before, I was lucky enough to have my parents here the first two weeks after Mason was born to watch over Logan as we adjusted to our new normal.
It’s been nothing short of a zoo around here as you can see from some of these photos. Logan practically ignored Mason for the first month and has just recently started to take more interest in him. The biggest challenge for me in this first month is making sure to get Logan’s energy out and trying to find time to plan and cook meals. I realize there are some things that just won’t get completed and I’m trying to do a better job of accepting this as the new normal. My biggest daily goal is to really try and be present. I want to make sure no matter what I don’t get completed, I enjoy the moment. I know I will never have this time back. It makes me almost cry to type this but they change so fast and won’t be my babies forever. I love my little family and life we are creating in Seattle.