My first Mothers Day was certainly memorable. We spent the morning at the Ballard Farmers Market followed by brunch at Volterra. We came home to hang out on our back patio. It was overcast and a little chilly but perfect weather to enjoy a hot coffee outside.
White Tee (similar) // Vest (similar) // AG Denim // Converse Sneakers
Ryan started grilling the steaks while I decided to feed Logan. We introduced him to avocados. He seemed to think they were ok – didn’t love them or hate them. My mom made a banana pudding so we decided to let him taste it. A few minutes later he had developed a rash around his mouth and it quickly spread to his neck. The rash was pretty intense looking. He was breathing fine so I wasn’t highly concerned. I decided to give our Peds office a call to be on the safe side. I was on the phone with the Peds office while Logan was drinking some milk. He stopped eating and starting spitting up a lot. His body went kind of limp. I was terrified at this point and the nurse on the phone said for us to call 911 or get to the hospital immediately. We rushed to the car and were at the hospital in less than 5 minutes. They sent us right back to start checking his vitals. I was a nervous wreck trying my best to stay calm.
His rash was starting to get better once we had been checked into the emergency room. Seeing the rash get better helped to calm me down. Logan didn’t seem bothered and was quite the charmer at the hospital. We had to stay a while to monitor his vitals but he kept getting better. I feel blessed he ok and will never forget my first Mothers Day!
Sarah!! I miss you bunches! I can’t believe your little man is growing so fast. You crossed my mind and I decided to check out your blog… so glad I did. You look awesome (duh). Tell Ryan I said Hi!
Happy Belated Mother’s Day!
Ahhh thanks friend!!!! I miss you so much!!