Staycation. My ten day staycation ended today when my parents left. Back to reality for me. It was nice to have help with Logan, the house and home cooked dinners by Mom. We have lived in Seattle for two years but I still have a small bucket list of places to see and things to do. I crossed a few of those off my list this week.
The weather has been amazing in Seattle the past few weeks. My memory of the dreary, rainy winter has already been erased from my mind. Some days, I think we might move back to the East coast when Logan gets a little older. However, days like today remind me why I never want to leave here. Seattle, I love you. City living, mountains, close to the water and more outdoor activities than you can imagine — why would we ever leave here?!
All the below photos were taken at Alki Beach in West Seattle. Any day at Alki Beach is a staycation. Dress and accessories are from Lika Love Boutique.
Photography: Jenna Lynn