I haven’t been away from Logan much since he was born but I know the importance of baby free time. Not having family live near us makes me even more hesitant to leave him with someone I don’t know. Lucky for us, my mom is in town for two weeks and I’ve already had the chance to enjoy some much needed baby free time. This weekend was perfect. Friday night while Logan was asleep, Ryan and I got to enjoy some alone time. We spent it at the soccer field playing soccer and racing each other. We both love being active and our competitive sides always come out. We would much rather sprint up and down a field than run circles on a track.
Saturday night, we ventured to our old neighborhood to meet up with some friends. We started at our favorite coffee shop Cafe Solstice that was once our second home. This time we opted for some pre-dinner adult beverages. We ate dinner at Bar Cotto and ended the night with a drink at a speakeasy called Knee High Stocking Company. I would highly recommend this quaint Cap Hill hidden treasure. You need to text them to make reservations. There is basically no signage and you would never guess there was a bar inside. One of my favorite places in Seattle!
I will have my first night away from Logan this weekend. We are off to Whistler to celebrate six years of marriage!