Green Juice

Green Juice

Green Juice

Most people that know me, know that I love my green juice.  I try to drink 1 green juice or smoothie daily if possible.  If I have a smoothie, it’s normally for breakfast with added protein powder for more of a meal replacement.  If I have a juice, I supplement into my 3 daily meals consuming the juice late morning or early afternoon.  I make my own juice at home about 50% of time.  Living in Seattle, I have a lot of options to purchase a fresh, organic, cold pressed juice.

Reasons Why I Love Juicing

1. Quick way to get your daily servings of fruits and veggies.

Juicing removes the fiber from the produce leaving just the amazing nutrients for your body to absorb! It is an easy and convenient way to consume a greater volume of produce than you would eating in a raw of cooked form.

2. You’ll absorb nutrients better with less digestion.

Since the fiber is removed from the product, the juice is almost completely self-digesting.

3. It strengthens your immune system.

Juicing provides a powerful boost to your immune system.

4. Juicing Tastes Good!

Even though I normally stick to my green juice, there are so many options of fruits & vegetables to experiment with for different tastes or nutrient needs.

Favorite Green Juice Recipe
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 green apple
  • 1/2 cucumber
  • 3 stalks of celery
  • handful of spinach or kale (depends on what I have in my fridge that day)

**I try to buy organic produce when possible

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