Logan’s 1st Birthday

Logan’s 1st Birthday

Logan’s 1st Birthday



One year…wow! I seriously can’t believe it’s been a year since we welcomed our sweet boy into this world. I never knew how much a child could change you in a positive way. Everything in our life has changed. The way I view the world and the things I thought were important suddenly are so different.



Of course, there are the days where all I want to do is cry and wonder if I am a good Mother. Every morning when I hear that little happy voice from the other room I realize I can’t be that cranky non-morning person I have been all my life.





If you know me well, you know I have never been one to make big celebration around birthdays. I had decided I wasn’t going to have a 1st birthday party for Logan. Our best friends were flying in for the weekend and as the date got closer, I realized I should have a little something for him. We decided to keep it really low key and only invited over some of our closest friends. Logan has an egg allergy and I was going to make a little smash cake for him. I waited till the last minute to plan everything and the week leading up to his birthday got really busy. I decided to order his cake from a vegan bakery – The Flying Apron. The cake was pricey but really good. It was a perfect day with friends celebrating Logan turning one.





5 thoughts on “Logan’s 1st Birthday

  1. Another allergic person signing off..

    You look like really wonderful parents, I especially liked the last photo. Lucky little boy. I am going to look up that cake place, secondary to my own egg allergy. I have lived with it all my life. It is not the worst allergy to have. There are many substitutes you can use in recipes. Au revoir.

  2. Photography nut

    Lastly, noticed the apparent Johnson photo above the b’ day boy. My BF is an art photographer and I adore photos like that. I’ve made stationery for myself using pieces of coral I found that spelled out my name. You should try that sometimes on your many beach forays.

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