Seattle: Discovery Park

Seattle: Discovery Park

Seattle: Discovery Park

My parents are gone now. Back to reality for me. It was a much needed break in cooking every night and having to take care of Logan by myself. We had a few really nice days while they were visiting so I took them to Discovery Park one afternoon. You have to take advantage of those nice sunny Seattle days in the winter.

Discovery Park is one of my favorite parks in Seattle with amazing views of the Olympic Mountains and Pudget Sound. The pictures you take never do those snow capped mountains justice. In person, the view is spectacular. You can read more about Discovery Park here. I would recommend it for out of town visitors who want a hike with beautiful Pacific Northwest views but don’t want to venture far out of town. It is Seattle’s largest park at 534 acres and includes a wide variety of terrain. I’m talking secluded forests, open meadows and beaches. The beach area doesn’t get extremely crowded because there isn’t parking nearby. If you don’t want to take the long trek to access the beach, stop in at the visitor center and see if you can score one of the very few parking permits by the beach.









There is also a Native American Cultural Center located in the park. I haven’t had a chance to visit it but the view below is from a lookout right by this destination. If you want to read more about the hikes I recommend my favorite website to use for researching hike here.  Thanks to our friend Heather who introduced me to this site when I was eight months pregnant and trying to find the most suitable hikes for me.


2 thoughts on “Seattle: Discovery Park

    1. theblondegiraffe Post author

      Thanks..and yes you should go more often! That is so romantic y’all got engaged by the lighthouse!

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