Sip & Feel Better: Drink more water

Sip & Feel Better: Drink more water


Drinking enough water daily can be hard.  I would say 9 out of 10 times I have a headache or feel sluggish during the day, I can attribute it to not drinking enough water. It can be hard to count the number of glasses of water you drink or number of times you fill up a water bottle.  I decided to invest in a larger BPA-free pink mini jug to keep me accountable for the water I drink.  It holds 64 oz and my goal is to drink 2 of these each day.  Just a few of the benefits of drinking water: increases energy & reduces fatigue, flushes out toxins, help maintain regularity & most importantly boosts your mood.

My Daily Water Drinking Guidelines

  • Drink a glass of water first thing when you wake up.
  • Always have a filled water bottle in your purse or with you at all times.
  • Drink half your bodyweight in ounces of water (if you weight 140lbs, drink 70 oz of water each day).
  • When I get tired of drinking just water, I’ll add some berries, lemon or sliced cucumber to mix it up.

Whether it’s a cute water bottle or something to measure your daily intake, find what keeps you on track to drink the water your body needs each day. My shop tab links you to my favorite water bottle options that can help keep you on track to your water goal each day.  Cheers & now go drink some water.




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