As usual, the weekend flew by. Friday afternoon, I met a group of new mom’s at Greenlake Park. I am supposed to be taking it easy for the next two weeks per my doctor but I didn’t want to miss out on the stroller walk fun. After our walk, we all went to Laura’s for chili and to relax with all the babies.
Friday night we stayed in and relaxed. Logan decided he wanted to be a party animal during his nighttime feedings so I stayed in bed much longer than usual Saturday morning. That evening we took Logan to Ryan’s tennis match at Seattle Tennis Club. After their match, we went out for food and drinks at Cactus in Madison Park. If we could live anywhere in Seattle, I would pick Madison Park.
Sunday was a typical football Sunday. We slept in, watched the Panthers move on to 8-0, meet some friends in the neighborhood for afternoon drinks and then finished the weekend watching Walking Dead.
We have lived in Seattle for a year and I finally understand why there is so much coffee consumed here. Before I moved here, I didn’t drink coffee. Now I do. The weather took a turn a few weeks ago and it’s been rainy and gloomy since. I have lived through one winter here but everyone says it wasn’t a typical winter. It didn’t rain much last winter and by comparison to North Carolina, I would say Seattle has better overall weather. Three weeks into my second fall and winter here, I am experiencing the Seattle weather everyone associated Seattle with. I drink hot tea and coffee everyday now.