Rain, wind, and more rain is the best way to describe late Fall and Winter days in the Pacific Northwest. Our day trip to Deception Pass and Whidbey Island was a typical Pacific Northwest winter day. We left the house early Sunday morning and headed north for the one hour…
Family Life Update
This creative space has been a little neglected the past few months adjusting to our new life with two kids. Raising my boys has been the most important and exhausting job I’ve ever had. Your children will only be babies for a short time. Make sure you slow down in…
Guess Who Turns 2 Today…
Our first year with Logan… Our second year with Logan… I seriously can’t believe this guy is turning two today!!! Life has been really busy and I haven’t had a chance to post on here much lately. I want to take a little time today and reflect over the past two…
Quick Baby Wearing Workout
12-15 reps of each, 3-4rounds! I use light dumbbells (2 or 3 lbs) but this workout can be done without weights too! Shoulder Press Sumo Squats Make sure your feet are wide with toes pointing out. Arms start in goal post position. As you lower into a squat position, arms…
Hiking with Toddlers & Babies – Heather Lake Trail
Being outdoors and hiking is important to me and always relives my stress, inspires me and helps remind me what to focus on in life. In a world where we are so connected to the internet and social media, it’s always a great escape for a few hours. I don’t…
Overwhelmed #Monday Thoughts
Dress // Sandals (similar) // Earrings (similar) Overwhelmed and all over the place — that is me right now. I think I was stressed when Logan was born and the addition of two has increased that to a new level. Both babies were sleeping so I sat down at my…
Ballard Locks as a Local
Romper // Sandals // Handbag (similar) // Necklace We take most of our out of town guests to the Ballard Locks — which links the Pudget Sound with Lake Union. It’s a great place to watch boats, check out the fish ladder or take a stroll through the Carl S.…
Toddler Snacks
Do other Moms feel like the only thing they do is make food, clean up food and then make food again. Some days I feel like all we do it eat but I know it never goes well for us if my toddler gets the least bit hungry. Maybe I should…
The First Month with Mason Hawke…
I seriously can’t believe it’s been over two months since Mason Hawke was born. The days have been long but the time sure has flown by. I decided to break this post into two. This first post documents our first month as a family of four. As I have mentioned…
Cocktail and Mocktail Days
Today’s adventures with two under two involved Logan sticking a pea in his nostril during lunch. I saw him do it, freaked out and went running over to try and get it out. Instead, I knocked it further up his nose. I panicked a little and didn’t know what to…